Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Basic Matlab code || MATLAB codes download

Posted by ADMIN at 11:40 AM 0 Comments

o ............Echelon factorization A = c a b.
o cofactor.m........Matrix of cofactors.
o colbasis.m........Basis for the column space.
o cramer.m............Solve the system Ax=b.
o determ.m........Matrix determinant from plu.
o eigen2.m............Characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, eigenvectors.
o eigshow.m............Graphical demonstration of eigenvalues and singular values.
o eigval.m............Eigenvalues and their algebraic multiplicity.
o eigvec.m............Eigenvectors and their geometric multiplicity.
o elim.m............EA=R factorization.
o findpiv.m............Used by plu to find a pivot for Gaussian elimination.
o fourbase.m............Bases for all 4 fundamental subspaces.
o grams.m............Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the columns of A.
o house.m............Stores the "house" data set in X.
o inverse.m............Matrix inverse by Gauss-Jordan elimination.
o leftnull.m............Basis for the left nullspace.
o linefit.m............Plot the least squares fit by a line.
o lsq.m............Least squares solution of Ax=b.
o normal.m............Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a normal matrix A.
o nulbasis.m............Basis for the nullspace.
o orthcomp.m............Orthogonal complement of a subspace.
o partic.m............Particular solution of Ax=b.
o plot2d.m............Two dimensional plot.
o plu.m............Rectangular PA=LU factorization *with row exchanges*.
o poly2str.m............Convert a polynomial coefficient vector to a string.
o project.m............Project a vector b onto the column space of A.
o projmat.m............Projection matrix for the column space of A.
o randperm.m............Random permutation.
o rowbasis.m............Basis for the row space.
o samespan.m............Test if two matrices have the same column space.
o signperm.m............Determinant of the permutation matrix with rows ordered by p.
o slu.m............LU factorization of a square matrix using *no row exchanges*.
o splu.m............Square PA=LU factorization *with row exchanges*.
o splv.m............Solution to a square, invertible system.
o symmeig.m............Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix.
o tridiag.m............Tridiagonal matrix.

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