Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Posted by Unknown at 11:23 AM 0 Comments


  1. 1394 LLC
  2. 5x4Gbps CRC generator designed with standard cells
  3. 8 bit Microcontroller
  4. 8 bit Microprocessor
  5. 8048 µController
  6. Adaptive Filter design
  7. ADPCM algorithm
  8. Arm core
  9. Basic DES crypto core
  10. Basic RSA encryption engine
  11. CISC processor design
  12. CPU Generator
  13. Cryptographic communication
  14. Cryptographic controller design
  15. CV001 CORDIC core
  16. Debit card
  17. DES Algorithm design
  18. Design and implementation of 2D DWT architecture
  19. Design and implementation of acoustic echo canceller
  20. Design and implementation of adaptive beam former for sonar system
  21. Design and implementation of adaptive noise canceller
  22. Design and implementation of declination filter
  23. Design and implementation of digital architecture of support vector machine
  24. Design and implementation of distributed arithmetic algorithm based FIR filter
  25. Design and implementation of energy scalable system design
  26. Design and implementation of fuzzy logic controller
  27. Design and implementation of histograms accumulator buffer
  28. Design and implementation of image compression technique
  29. Design and implementation of image segmentation using VLSI
  30. Design and implementation of noise cancellation using recursive least square  
  31. Design and implementation of packet scheduling algorithm for ATM switches
  32. Design and implementation of read salmon decoder
  33. Design and implementation of safer encryptions algorithm in blue tooth using     
  34. Designing an active noise control system using DSP and VLSI
  35. DMT Transceiver
  36. E1 Framer/De framer                           
  37. Electronic voting machine
  38. FIR & IIR filter designing
  39. First File Reader FAT16
  40. Fuzzy controller design
  41. Fuzzy Logic Hardware Accelerator
  42. HDB3/B3ZS Encoder + Decoder
  43. Home appliances control designing
  44. I2C controller core
  45. Identity card designing
  46. Image processing
  47. Image processing in VLSI
  48. ISA bus design
  49. JOP: a Java Optimized Processor
  50. Linear Predictive Coding
  51. List of VLSI projects
  52. Mini MIPS
  53. Motion Detection From Image Sequences Using A New Fully Digital VLSI
  54. MP3 decoder
  55. Neural Architecture PID controller
  56. Object counter designing
  57. PCI bus design
  58. Plasma - most MIPS I(TM) Epodes
  59. Quadrature  Decoder / Counter
  60. Railway barrier monitor
  61. RISC coprocessor designing
  62. RISC5x
  63. RSA Algorithm design
  64. Security system
  65. Single clock unsigned division algorithm
  66. SISC processor design
  67. Smart card designing
  68. SPDIF Interface
  69. Spectrum analyzer
  70. Stepper Motor Controller
  71. System680
  72. system6805
  73. System6809
  74. System6811
  75. Traffic light controller
  76. UART designing
  77. Vending machine
  78. Wireless attendance recorder cum security system
  79. WISHBONE Builder
  80. Wishbone System6800/01


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