Monday, May 28, 2012


Posted by Unknown at 2:48 PM 0 Comments
Most of the health care equipments are equipped with commercial monitoring devices capable of sensing patient’s physiological parameters and supervising the achievement of the established therapeutic goals. This avoids human errors in this task and considerably decreases the workload of the healthcare staff. However, at present there is still a very relevant physiological parameter that is measured and supervised manually by the healthcare staff in quantifying the renal tests especially Urine Output (UO).This project focuses on developing a device capable of measuring the physical parameters of Urine at home and transmitting these parameters to the physician’s system in particular for rectification. Change in physical parameters of urine is the best real time indicator of the state of patient’s kidney healthiness. By collecting the urine sample, we can measure few parameters such as pH, temperature, conductivity, density at home itself and transmit these parameters using GSM network to care takers including Doctors for effective remedial measures.
These transmitted parameters can be received and stored in database for continuous monitoring and assessment at hospital level which may be located rurally or in Urban for effective healthcare solutions in urology. This prototyped project will help the patient to transmit Urological vital parameters needed in day to day excretion of wastes, if left unnoticed will lead to complex problem of renal failure which needs artificial dialysis or its discomfort in patient visiting hospital to undergo dialysis every few months depending on the level of acute infections of renal failure. Thus through this idea we present an innovative means of patient comfort and its ability to diagnose prior renal failure at home itself rather than patient visiting hospitals to assess the renal failure through renal tests which are done manually by collecting urine samples and analysing it at laboratory. Depending on the variations of parameters quantified using suitable sensors at home we can make these type of renal failures assessed at earlier stage with minimal hospital visits as needed by the society.


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