Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Posted by Anonymous at 9:14 PM 1 Comment

A Distributed Algorithm for the Replica Placement Problem
2011 / 2012
A Framework for Routing Performance Analysis in Delay Tolerant Networks with Application to Non Cooperative Networks.
2011 / 2012
A Generic Framework for Three-Factor Authentication: Preserving Security and Privacy in Distributed Systems
2011 / 2012
A Novel Approach for Failure Localization in All-Optical Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
A Secure Communication Game with a Relay Helping the Eavesdropper.
2011 / 2012
A Simple Model for Chunk-Scheduling Strategies in P2P Streaming
2011 / 2012
A Unified Approach to Optimizing Performance in Networks Serving Heterogeneous Flows
2011 / 2012
Active Queue Management for Floqw Fairness and stable Queue Length.
2011 / 2012
Adjacent Link failure Localization With Monitoring Trails in All-Optical Mesh Network.
2011 / 2012
An Adaptive Network Coded Retransmission Scheme for Single-HopWireless Multicast Broadcast Services
2011 / 2012
An Optimal Algorithm for Relay Node Assignment in Cooperative Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
Approaching Throughput-Optimality in Distributed CSMA Scheduling Algorithms With Collisions
2011 / 2012
Approximation algorithms for the Multi-Organization Scheduling Problem.
2011 / 2012
Architecture and Abstractions for Environment and Traffic-Aware System-Level Coordination of
Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
BRICK: A Novel Exact Active Statistics Counter Architecture
2011 / 2012
Buffer Sizing for 802.11-Based Networks
2011 / 2012
Capacity of Large-Scale CSMA Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Churn-Resilient Protocol for Massive Data Dissemination in P2P Networks
2011 / 2012
Coloring Spatial Point Processes With Applications to Peer Discovery in Large Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Component-Based Localization in Sparse Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Compressing Network Access Control Lists.
2011 / 2012
Compression of View on Anonymous Networks Folded View.
2011 / 2012
Consensus and Mutual Exclusion in a Multiple Access Channel
2011 / 2012
Continuous Neighbor Discovery in Asynchronous Sensor Networks.
2011 / 2012
Cross-Layer Jamming Detection and Mitigation in Wireless Broadcast Networks
2011 / 2012
Crosstalk-Preventing Scheduling in Singleand Two-Stage AWG-Based Cell Switches
2011 / 2012
Delay Analysis and Optimality of Scheduling Policies for Multihop Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Delay-Optimal Opportunistic Scheduling and Approximations: The Log Rule
2011 / 2012
Differential Encoding of DFAs for Fast Regular Expression Matching
2011 / 2012
Efficient Multipath Communication for Time-Critical Applications in Underwater Acoustic Sensor
2011 / 2012
Energy-Efficient Protocol for Cooperative Networks
2011 / 2012
Exploring Second Life
2011 / 2012
Fast and Cost-Effective Online Load-Balancing in Distributed Range-Queriable
2011 / 2012
Fast Simulation of Service Availability in Mesh Networks With Dynamic Path Restoration
2011 / 2012
FDAC: Toward Fine-Grained Distributed Data Access Control in Wireless Sensor
2011 / 2012
Flexible Robust Group Key Agreement
2011 / 2012
Forward Correction and Fountain Codes in Delay-Tolerant Networks
2011 / 2012
Generalized Probabilistic flooding in unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks
2011 / 2012
Group Strategy proof Multicast in Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Impact of File Arrivals and Departures on Buffer Sizing in Core Routers
2011 / 2012
Improved Bounds on the Throughput Efficiency of Greedy Maximal Scheduling in Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Jamming Aware Traffic Allocation for Multiple Path Routing Using Portfolio Selection
2011 / 2012
Key Pre distribution Schemes for Establishing Pair wise Keys with a Mobile Sink in Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) Based DTN for Cislunar Communications
2011 / 2012
Lifetime and Coverage Guarantees Through Distributed Coordinate-Free Sensor Activation
2011 / 2012
Live Streaming With Receiver Based Peer-Division Multiplexing
2011 / 2012
Local Restoration With Multiple Spanning Trees in Metro Ethernet Networks
2011 / 2012
Maelstrom: Transparent Error Correction for Communication Between Data Centers
2011 / 2012
Measuring Client-Perceived Page view Response Time of Internet Services.
2011 / 2012
Measuring Multipath Routing in the Internet
2011 / 2012
Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast
2011 / 2012
Model-Based Identification of Dominant Congested Links
2011 / 2012
Network-Coding Multicast Networks With QoS Guarantees
2011 / 2012
Node Reclamation and Replacement for Long-Lived Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
On Combining Shortest-Path and Back-Pressure Routing Over Multihop Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
On Cooperative Settlement Between Content, Transit, and Eyeball Internet Service Providers
2011 / 2012
On the Complexity of the Regenerator Placement Problem in Optical Networks
2011 / 2012
On the Cost of Network Inference Mechanisms.
2011 / 2012
On the Dimensioning of WDM Optical Networks With Impairment-Aware Regeneration
2011 / 2012
On the Levy-Walk Nature of Human Mobility
2011 / 2012
On the Price of Security in Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
Opportunity Cost Analysis for Dynamic Wavelength Routed Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
Optical Layer Security in Fiber-Optic Networks.
2011 / 2012
Optimal Anycast Technique for Delay-Sensitive Energy-Constrained Asynchronous Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
Parametric Methods for Anomaly Detection in Aggregate Traffic
2011 / 2012
Pareto Boundary of Utility Sets for Multiuser Wireless Systems
2011 / 2012
Peering Equilibrium Multipath Routing: A Game Theory Framework for Internet Peering Settlements
2011 / 2012
Practical Computation of Optimal Schedules in Multihop Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Practical Routing in a Cyclic MobiSpace
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Predictive Resource Management of Multiple Monitoring Applications
2011 / 2012
Primary User Activity Modeling Using First-Difference Filter Clustering and Correlation in Cognitive Radio Network
2011 / 2012
Privacy in VoIP Networks: Flow Analysis Attacks and Defense
2011 / 2012
Privacy Preserving Collaborative Enforcement of Firewall Policies in Virtual Private Networks
2011 / 2012
ProgME: Towards Programmable Network Measurement
2011 / 2012
Quasi-Kautz Digraphs for Peer-to-Peer Networks.
2011 / 2012
Research on cloud computing application in the Peer-to-Peer based video-on -demand systems.
2011 / 2012
Risk-Aware Provisioning for Optical WDM Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
Robust Network Codes for Unicast Connections: A Case Study
2011 / 2012
ROC Resilient Online Coverage for Surveillance Applications
2011 / 2012
Scalable and Cost-Effective Interconnection of Data-Center Servers Using Dual Server Ports
2011 / 2012
Scheduling Algorithms for Multicarrier Wireless Data Systems
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Self-Reconfigurable Wireless Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
SPAF: Stateless FSA-Based Packet Filters
2011 / 2012
SRLG Failure Localization in Optical Networks
2011 / 2012
Star-Block Design in Two-Level Survivable Optical Networks
2011 / 2012
Stochastic Model and Connectivity Dynamics for VANETs in Signalized Road Systems
2011 / 2012
Survivable Multipath Provisioning With Differential Delay Constraint in Telecom Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
SWARM: The Power of Structure in Community Wireless Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
The Limit of Information Propagation Speed in Large-Scale Multihop Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
The Small World of File Sharing.
2011 / 2012
TOFU: Semi-Truthful Online Frequency Allocation Mechanism for Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Topological Transformation Approaches to TCAM-Based Packet Classification
2011 / 2012
Towards Efficient and Simplified Distributed Data Intensive Computing.
2011 / 2012
Towards Realizable,Low-Cost Broadcast System for Dynamic Environments.
2011 / 2012
Towards Systematic Design of Enterprise Networks
2011 / 2012
Trace back of DDoS Attacks Using Entropy Variations.
2011 / 2012
Traffic-Oblivious Routing in the Hose Model
2011 / 2012
Using Link Gradients to Predict the Impact of Network Latency on Multitier Applications
2011 / 2012
Valuable Detours: Least-Cost Anypath Routing
2011 / 2012
Verifiable Privacy-Preserving Sensor Network Storage for Range Query
2011 / 2012
A New Chaos-Based Cryptosystem for Secure Transmitted Images.
2011 / 2012
A Policy Enforcing Mechanism for Trusted Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
An Obfuscation-Based Approach for Protecting Location Privacy.
2011 / 2012
Analysis of a Botnet Takeover.
2011 / 2012
CASTLE:Continuously Anonymizing Data Streams.
2011 / 2012
Coding for Cryptographic Security Enhancement Using Stopping Sets.
2011 / 2012
Comparative Evaluation of Spoofing Defenses.
2011 / 2012
Deadlock-Free Adaptive Routing in Meshes with Fault-Tolerance Ability Based on Channel Overlapping
2011 / 2012
Distributed Detection of Clone Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
Efficient Network Modification to Improve Qos Stability at Failures.
2011 / 2012
Improving Security and Efficiency in Attribute-Based Data Sharing.
2011 / 2012
Improving Security and Performance in the Tor Network through Tunable Path Selection
2011 / 2012
Modeling and Detection of Camouflaging Worm.
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Users in Anonymizing Networks.
2011 / 2012
Peering Equilibrium Multipath Routing: A Game Theory Framework for Internet Peering Settlements.
2011 / 2012
Privacy-Preserving Updates to Anonymous and Confidential Databases
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Providing Transaction Guarantees in Asynchronous System with No Assumptions on the Accuracy of
Failure Detection.
2011 / 2012
Reliability for Networked Storage Nodes.
2011 / 2012
Replica Placement for Route Diversity in Tree-Based Routing Distributed Hash Tables
2011 / 2012
Revisiting Defenses Against Large-Scale Online Password Guessing Attacks
2011 / 2012
SAT:A Security Architecture Achieving Anonymity and Traceability in Wireless Mesh Networks.
2011 / 2012
Traceback of DDoS Attacks Using Entropy  Variations.
2011 / 2012
A Dual Framework and Algorithms for Targeted Online Data Delivery
2011 / 2012
A Fast Multiple Longest Common Subsequence (MLCS) Algorithm
2011 / 2012
A Fuzzy Self-Constructing Feature Clustering Algorithm for Text Classification
2011 / 2012
A Generic Multilevel Architecture for Time Series Prediction
2011 / 2012
A Link Analysis Extension of Correspondence Analysis for Mining Relational Databases.
2011 / 2012
A Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Disease-Treatment Relations in Short Texts
2011 / 2012
A Personalized Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering.
2011 / 2012
A Query Formulation Language for the Data Web.
2011 / 2012
Adaptive Cluster Distance Bounding for High-Dimensional Indexing
2011 / 2012
Adaptive Provisioning of Human Expertise in Service-oriented Systems.
2011 / 2012
Anonymous Publication of Sensitive Transactional Data
2011 / 2012
Answering Frequent Probabilistic Inference Queries in Databases
2011 / 2012
Authenticated Multistep Nearest Neighbor Search
2011 / 2012
Authenticated Multistep NN Nearest Neighbor Search.
2011 / 2012
Automatic Discovery of Personal Name Aliases from the Web
2011 / 2012
Automatic Enrichment of Semantic Relation Network and Its Application to Word Sense Disambiguation
2011 / 2012
Branch-and-Bound for Model Selection and Its Computational Complexity
2011 / 2012
Bridging Socially-Enhanced Virtual Communities.
2011 / 2012
Classification and Novel Class Detection in Concept-Drifting Data Streams under Time Constraints
2011 / 2012
Classification Using Streaming Random Forests
2011 / 2012
CoFiDS: A Belief-Theoretic Approach for Automated Collaborative Filtering
2011 / 2012
Collaborative Filtering with Personalized Skylines
2011 / 2012
Comprehensive Citation Index for Research Networks
2011 / 2012
Constrained Skyline Query Processing against Distributed Data Sites
2011 / 2012
Continuous Monitoring of Distance-Based Range Queries
2011 / 2012
Cosdes: A Collaborative Spam Detection System with a Novel E-Mail Abstraction Scheme
2011 / 2012
Coupling Logical Analysis of Data and Shadow Clustering for Partially Defined Positive Boolean
2011 / 2012
Data integrity proofs in cloud storage.
2011 / 2012
Data Leakage Detection
2011 / 2012
Data mining for XML query-answering support.
2011 / 2012
Decision Trees for Uncertain Data
2011 / 2012
Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Response System for Relational Databases
2011 / 2012
Differential Privacy via Wavelet Transforms
2011 / 2012
Discovering Activities to Recognize and Track in a Smart Environment
2011 / 2012
Discovering Conditional Functional Dependencies
2011 / 2012
Effective Navigation of Query Results Based on Concept Hierarchies
2011 / 2012
Efficient and Accurate Discovery of Patterns in Sequence Data Sets
2011 / 2012
Efficient Computation of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Queries
2011 / 2012
Efficient Computing of Range Aggregates against Uncertain Location Based Collections.
2011 / 2012
Efficient Keyword-based Search for Top-K Cell in Text Cube.
2011 / 2012
Efficient Periodicity Mining in Time Series Databases Using Suffix Trees
2011 / 2012
Efficient Relevance Feedback for Content-Based Image Retrieval by Mining User Navigation Patterns.
2011 / 2012
Efficient Techniques for Online Record Linkage
2011 / 2012
Efficient Top-k Approximate Subtree Matching in Small Memory
2011 / 2012
Energy Time Series Forecasting Based on Pattern Sequence Similarity
2011 / 2012
Estimating and Enhancing Real-Time Data Service Delays: Control-Theoretic Approaches
2011 / 2012
Experience Transfer for the Configuration Tuning in Large-Scale Computing Systems
2011 / 2012
Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud.
2011 / 2012
Exploring Application-Level Semantics for Data Compression.
2011 / 2012
Extended XML Tree Pattern Matching: Theories and Algorithms.
2011 / 2012
Finding Correlated Biclusters from Gene Expression Data
2011 / 2012
Frequent Item Computation on a Chip
2011 / 2012
Horizontal Aggregations in SQL to prepare Data Sets for Data Mining Analysis.
2011 / 2012
Improving Aggregate Recommendation Diversity Using Ranking-Based Techniques.
2011 / 2012
Inconsistency-Tolerant Integrity Checking
2011 / 2012
Initialization and Restart in Stochastic Local Search: Computing a Most Probable Explanation in Bayesian Networks
2011 / 2012
Integration of Sound Signature in Graphical Password Authentication System.
2011 / 2012
Integration of the HL7 Standard in a Multiagent System to Support Personalized Access to e-Health Services
2011 / 2012
Inter temporal Discount Factors as a Measure of Trustworthiness in Electronic Commerce
2011 / 2012
IR-Tree: An Efficient Index for Geographic Document Search
2011 / 2012
Knowledge Discovery in Services (KDS):Aggregating Software Services to Discover Enterprise Mashups
2011 / 2012
Learning Semi-Riemannian Metrics for Semisupervised Feature Extraction
2011 / 2012
Load Shedding in Mobile Systems with MobiQual
2011 / 2012
Locally Consistent Concept Factorization for Document Clustering
2011 / 2012
Making Aggregation Work in Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Mining Cluster-Based Temporal Mobile Sequential Patterns in Location-Based Service Environments
2011 / 2012
Mining Discriminative Patterns for Classifying Trajectories on Road Networks
2011 / 2012
Mining Group Movement Patterns for Tracking Moving Objects Efficiently
2011 / 2012
Mining Iterative Generators and Representative Rules for Software Specification Discovery
2011 / 2012
Mining Web Graphs for Recommendations.
2011 / 2012
Missing Value Estimation for Mixed-Attribute Data Sets
2011 / 2012
Monitoring Service Systems from a Language-Action Perspective.
2011 / 2012
Monochromatic and Biochromatic Reverse Top-k Queries
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
On Computing Farthest Dominated Locations
2011 / 2012
One Size Does Not Fit All Towards User and Query Dependent Ranking For Web Databases
2011 / 2012
Optimal Service Pricing for a Cloud Cache.
2011 / 2012
Optimizing Resource Conflicts in Workflow Management Systems
2011 / 2012
Pareto-Based Dominant Graph: An Efficient Indexing Structure to Answer Top-K Queries
2011 / 2012
Privacy-Preserving OLAP: An Information-Theoretic Approach
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Publishing Search Logs-A Comparative Study of Privacy Guarantees.
2011 / 2012
Query Planning for Continuous Aggregation Queries over a Network of Data Aggregators.
2011 / 2012
Ranking Spatial Data by Quality Preferences
2011 / 2012
RFID Data Processing in Supply Chain Management Using a Path Encoding Scheme
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Scalable learning of collective behavior.
2011 / 2012
Scalable Scheduling of Updates in Streaming Data Warehouses.
2011 / 2012
Seeking Quality of Web Service Composition in a Semantic Dimension
2011 / 2012
Selecting Attributes for Sentiment Classification Using Feature Relation Networks
2011 / 2012
Semantic Knowledge-Based Framework to Improve the Situation Awareness of Autonomous
Underwater Vehicles
2011 / 2012
SPARK2:Top-K Keyword Query in Relational Databases.
2011 / 2012
Straggler Identification in Round-Trip Data Streams via Newton’s Identities and Invertible Bloom Filters
2011 / 2012
SwiftRule: Mining Comprehensible Classification Rules for Time Series Analysis
2011 / 2012
Temporal Data Clustering via Weighted Clustering Ensemble with Different Representations
2011 / 2012
Text Clustering with Seeds Affinity Propagation
2011 / 2012
TEXT: Automatic Template Extraction from Heterogeneous Web Pages
2011 / 2012
The Awareness Network, To Whom Should I Display My Actions? And, Whose Actions Should I
2011 / 2012
The CoQUOS Approach to Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays
2011 / 2012
The World in a Nutshell Concise Range Queries.
2011 / 2012
Usher: Improving Data Quality with Dynamic Forms
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
A Control-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Optimal Configuration of 802.11 WLANs
2011 / 2012
A Cooperative Clustering Protocol for Energy Saving of Mobile Devices with WLAN and
Bluetooth Interfaces
2011 / 2012
A Distributed and Scalable Time Slot Allocation Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
A Medium Access Control Scheme for Wireless LANs with Constant-Time Contention
2011 / 2012
A Policy Enforcing Mechanism for Trusted Ad Hoc Networks.
2011 / 2012
A Privacy-Preserving Location Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
A Spectrum Decision Framework for Cognitive Radio Networks
2011 / 2012
An Adaptive Network Coded Retransmission Scheme for Single-Hop Wireless Multicast Broadcast
2011 / 2012
An Improved Geocast for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
An Optimal Algorithm for Relay Node Assignment in Cooperative Ad Hoe Networks.
2011 / 2012
Analysis of Best Channel Feedback and Its Adaptive Algorithms for Multicarrier Wireless Data Systems
2011 / 2012
Anticollision Protocols for Single-Reader RFID Systems: Temporal Analysis and Optimization
2011 / 2012
Autonomous Deployment of Heterogeneous Mobile Sensors
2011 / 2012
Breath: An Adaptive Protocol for Industrial Control Applications Using Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
Call Admission Control Performance Analysis in Mobile Networks Using Stochastic Well-Fomed Petri Nets.
2011 / 2012
Channel-Aware Routing in MANETs with Route Handoff
2011 / 2012
Cognitive Medium Access: Exploration, Exploitation, and Competition
2011 / 2012
Compatibility between Three Well-Known Broadcast Tree Construction Algorithms and Various Metrics
2011 / 2012
Context-Based Network Estimation for Energy-Efficient Ubiquitous Wireless Connectivity
2011 / 2012
Cooperative Channelization in Wireless Networks with Network Coding.
2011 / 2012
Cross-Layer Optimization for Multimedia Transport over Multicode CDMA Networks
2011 / 2012
Data Delivery Properties of Human Contact Networks
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Design and Performance Analysis of Mobility Management Schemes Based on Pointer Forwarding for Wireless Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
Design and Performance of an Optimal Inertial Power Harvester for Human-Powered Devices
2011 / 2012
Discriminant Minimization Search for Large-Scale RF-Based Localization Systems
2011 / 2012
Distributed Fault-Tolerant Quality of Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Distributed Multi-Interface Multichannel Random Access Using Convex Optimization
2011 / 2012
Dynamic Conflict-Free Transmission Scheduling for Sensor Network Queries
2011 / 2012
Dynamic Time Slot Partitioning for Multimedia Transmission in Two-Hop Cellular Networks
2011 / 2012
Effective Scheduling in Infrastructure Based Cognitive Radio Networks
2011 / 2012
Efficient Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks with Path-Constrained Mobile Sinks
2011 / 2012
Efficient Location Training Protocols for Heterogeneous Sensor and Actor Networks
2011 / 2012
Endpoint-Based Call Admission Control and Resource Management for VoWLAN
2011 / 2012
Energy-Efficient Strategies for Cooperative Multi-Channel MAC Protocols.
2011 / 2012
ESIP: Secure Incentive Protocol with Limited Use of Public-Key Cryptography for Multihop
Wireless Networks
2011 / 2012
Expected Routing Overhead for Location Service in MANETs under Flat Geographic Routing
2011 / 2012
Explicit Congestion Control Algorithms for Time Varying Capacity Media
2011 / 2012
Fast Detection of Mobile Replica Node Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sequential Hypothesis Testing Jun- Won
2011 / 2012
Flexible Broadcasting of Scalable Video Streams to Heterogeneous Mobile Devices
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Impact of Limiting Number of Links on the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks.
2011 / 2012
Integration Gain of Heterogeneous WiFi/WiMAX Networks
2011 / 2012
Localization of Mobile Nodes in Wireless Networks with Correlated in Time Measurement Noise.
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
MAC Layer Throughput Estimation in Impulse-Radio UWB Networks
2011 / 2012
MAP: Multiauctioneer Progressive Auction for Dynamic Spectrum Access
2011 / 2012
Minimum Bandwidth Reservations for Periodic Streams in Wireless Real-Time Systems
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Mobile Sampling of Sensor Field Data Using Controlled Broadcast
2011 / 2012
Mobility Tracking Based on Autoregressive Models
2011 / 2012
Modeling and Improving TCP Performance over Cellular Link with Variable Bandwidth
2011 / 2012
Multicast Throughput for Hybrid Wireless Networks under Gaussian Channel Model
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Network Coding Based Privacy Preservation against Traffic Analysis in Multi-Hop Wireless.
2011 / 2012
Network Connectivity with a Family of Group Mobility Models.
2011 / 2012
OFDM-Based Common Control Channel Design for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
On the Design of Opportunistic MAC Protocols for Multihop Wireless Networks with Beamforming
2011 / 2012
On the Effectiveness of Monitoring for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
On the Information Flow Required for Tracking Control in Networks of Mobile Sensing Agents
2011 / 2012
Optimal and Efficient Graph-Based Resource Allocation Algorithms for Multiservice
Frame-Based OFDMA Networks
2011 / 2012
Optimal Stochastic Location Updates in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
Privacy-Preserving Universal Authentication Protocol for Wireless Communication.
2011 / 2012
Processing Continuous Range Queries with Spatiotemporal Tolerance
2011 / 2012
QoS-Aware Routing and Admission Control in Shadow-Fading Environments for Multirate MANETs
2011 / 2012
Rendezvous for Cognitive Radios
2011 / 2012
Scalable Localization with Mobility Prediction for Underwater Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
Scalable Network Synchronization with Pulse-Coupled Oscillators
2011 / 2012
Secret Key Establishment Using Temporally and Spatially Correlated Wireless Channel Coefficients
2011 / 2012
Secure High-Throughput Multicast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks
2011 / 2012
Secure Network Mobility (SeNEMO) for Real-Time Applications
2011 / 2012
Security Games for Vehicular Networks
2011 / 2012
See-Through Walls: Motion Tracking Using Variance-Based Radio Tomography Networks
2011 / 2012
Spatial-Temporal Coverage Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
Stealthy Attacks in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Detection and Countermeasure
2011 / 2012
Supporting Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
2011 / 2012
Temporal Link Signature Measurements for Location Distinction
2011 / 2012
The HIDENETS Holistic Approach for the Analysis of Large Critical Mobile Systems
2011 / 2012
Throughput Optimization in Mobile Backbone Networks
2011 / 2012
Throughput-Lifetime Trade-Offs in Multihop Wireless Networks under an SINR-Based Interference Model
2011 / 2012
Towards Reliable Data Delivery for Highly Dynamic Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
2011 / 2012
Towards Zero Retransmission Overhead: A Symbol Level Network Coding Approach to Retransmission
2011 / 2012
Traffic-Differentiation-Based Modular QoS Localized Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
2011 / 2012
Type-Aware Error Control for Robust Interactive Video Services over Time-Varying Wireless Channels
2011 / 2012
1-D Transforms for the Motion Compensation Residual
2011 / 2012
A Filtering Approach to Edge Preserving MAP Estimation of Images
2011 / 2012
A Generalized Unsharp Masking Algorithm.
2011 / 2012
A Geometric Method for Optimal Design of Color Filter Arrays
2011 / 2012
A Hybrid Approach to Detect and Localize Texts in Natural Scene Images
2011 / 2012
A Linear Programming Approach for Optimal Contrast-Tone Mapping
2011 / 2012
A Majorize–Minimize Strategy for Subspace Optimization Applied to Image Restoration
2011 / 2012
A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Joint Image Registration and Fusion
2011 / 2012
A New Chaos-Based Cryptosystem for Secure Teransmitted Images.
2011 / 2012
A New Hybrid Method for Image Approximation Using the Easy Path Wavelet Transform
2011 / 2012
A New Scheme for Robust Gradient Vector Estimation in Color Images
2011 / 2012
A Novel 3-D Color Histogram Equalization Method With Uniform 1-D Gray Scale Histogram
2011 / 2012
A Stratified Approach for Camera Calibration Using Spheres
2011 / 2012
A Uniform Framework for Estimating Illumination Chromaticity, Correspondence, and Specular Reflection
2011 / 2012
A Variational Model for Histogram Transfer of Color Images
2011 / 2012
A Variational Model for Segmentation of Overlapping Objects With Additive Intensity Value
2011 / 2012
Accelerating X-Ray Data Collection Using Pyramid Beam Ray Casting Geometries
2011 / 2012
Adaptive Multiwavelet-Based Watermarking Through JPW Masking
2011 / 2012
Adaptive Sequential Prediction of Multidimensional Signals With Applications to Lossless Image Coding
2011 / 2012
An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to the Constrained Optimization Formulation of Imaging Inverse Problems
2011 / 2012
An Improved Image Compression Algorithm Using Binary Space Partition Scheme and Geometric Wavelets
2011 / 2012
An Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Total-Variation Image Restoration
2011 / 2012
An Optimal Data Hiding Scheme With Tree-Based Parity Check
2011 / 2012
An Optimum Land Cover Mapping Algorithm in the Presence of Shadows.
2011 / 2012
An Orientation Inference Framework for Surface Reconstruction From Unorganized Point Clouds
2011 / 2012
Anisotropic Morphological Filters With Spatially-Variant Structuring Elements Based on Image-Dependent Gradient Fields
2011 / 2012
Autofluorescence Removal by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
2011 / 2012
Automatic Exact Histogram Specification for Contrast Enhancement and Visual System Based
Quantitative Evaluation
2011 / 2012
Balanced Multifilter Banks for Multiple Description Coding
2011 / 2012
Balanced Multiwavelets With Interpolatory Property
2011 / 2012
Blind Deconvolution Using Generalized Cross-Validation Approach to Regularization Parameter
2011 / 2012
Blind Spectral Unmixing Based on Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
2011 / 2012
Boosting Color Feature Selection for Color Face Recognition
2011 / 2012
Characterization of Electrophotographic Print Artifacts: Banding, Jitter, and Ghosting
2011 / 2012
Classification-Based Adaptive Filtering for Multiframe Blind Image Restoration
2011 / 2012
Color Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion
2011 / 2012
Combined Invariants to Similarity Transformation and to Blur Using Orthogonal Zernike Moments
2011 / 2012
Comments on “Image Denoising by Sparse 3-D Transform-Domain Collaborative Filtering”
2011 / 2012
Compressibility-Aware Media Retargeting With Structure Preserving
2011 / 2012
Computational Perceptual Features for Texture Representation and Retrieval
2011 / 2012
Constrained Acquisition of Ink Spreading Curves From Printed Color Images
2011 / 2012
Contactless and Pose Invariant Biometric Identification Using Hand Surface
2011 / 2012
Contextual Kernel and Spectral Methods for Learning the Semantics of Images
2011 / 2012
Contextual Object Localization With Multiple Kernel Nearest Neighbor
2011 / 2012
Convex Total Variation Denoising of Poisson Fluorescence Confocal Images With Anisotropic
2011 / 2012
Correspondence Lazy Sliding Window Implementation of the Bilateral Filter on Parallel Architectures
2011 / 2012
Dealing With Parallax in Shape-From-Focus
2011 / 2012
Denoising-Enhancing Images on Elastic Manifolds
2011 / 2012
Dictionary Learning for Stereo Image Representation
2011 / 2012
Diffuse Prior Monotonic Likelihood Ratio Test for Evaluation of Fused Image Quality Measures
2011 / 2012
Direct Intermode Selection for H.264 Video Coding Using Phase Correlation
2011 / 2012
Discretization Error Analysis and Adaptive Meshing Algorithms for Fluorescence Diffuse Optical
Tomography in the Presence of Measurement
2011 / 2012
Distributed Multiple Description Video Coding on Packet Loss Channels
2011 / 2012
Efficiently Learning a Detection Cascade With Sparse Eigenvectors
2011 / 2012
Elastic Sequence Correlation for Human Action Analysis
2011 / 2012
Enhanced Shift and Scale Tolerance for Rotation Invariant Polar Matching With Dual-Tree Wavelets
2011 / 2012
Face Recognition by Exploring Information Jointly in Space, Scale and Orientation
2011 / 2012
Face Recognition System Using Multiple Face Model of Hybrid Fourier Feature Under Uncontrolled
Illumination Variation
2011 / 2012
Fast Model-Based X-Ray CT Reconstruction Using Spatially Nonhomogeneous ICD Optimization
2011 / 2012
FAST Rate Allocation Through Steepest Descent for JPEG2000 Video Transmission
2011 / 2012
Fast Sparse Image Reconstruction Using Adaptive Nonlinear Filtering
2011 / 2012
Fine-Granularity and Spatially-Adaptive Regularization for Projection-Based Image Deblurring
2011 / 2012
Fractal Dimension of Color Fractal Images
2011 / 2012
From Local Pixel Structure to Global Image Super-Resolution: A New Face Hallucination Framework
2011 / 2012
From Point to Local Neighborhood: Polyp Detection in CT Colonography Using Geodesic Ring Neighborhoods
2011 / 2012
From Tiger to Panda: Animal Head Detection
2011 / 2012
Fuzzy Random Impulse Noise Removal From Color Image Sequences
2011 / 2012
Geodesic Active Fields—A Geometric Framework for Image Registration
2011 / 2012
Geometric Calibration of Lens and Filter Distortions for Multispectral Filter-Wheel Cameras
2011 / 2012
Geometrically Induced Force Interaction for Three-Dimensional Deformable Models
2011 / 2012
Goal-Oriented Rectification of Camera-Based Document Images
2011 / 2012
Gradient Profile Prior and Its Applications in Image Super-Resolution and Enhancement
2011 / 2012
Graph Cuts for Curvature Based Image Denoising
2011 / 2012
Graph Laplace for Occluded Face Completion and Recognition
2011 / 2012
Graph Regularized Sparse Coding for Image Representation
2011 / 2012
HAIRIS: A Method for Automatic Image Registration Through Histogram-Based Image Segmentation
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
High Capacity Color Barcodes: Per Channel Data Encoding via Orientation Modulation in Elliptical
Dot Arrays
2011 / 2012
High Dynamic Range Image Display With Halo and Clipping Prevention
2011 / 2012
High-quality Reflection Separation using Polarized Images.
2011 / 2012
High-Resolution Imaging Via Moving Random Exposure and Its Simulation
2011 / 2012
Human Motion Tracking by Temporal-Spatial Local Gaussian Process Experts
2011 / 2012
Hybrid No-Reference Natural Image Quality Assessment of Noisy, Blurry, JPEG2000, and JPEG Images
2011 / 2012
Hyperspectral BSS Using GMCA With Spatio-Spectral Sparsity Constraints
2011 / 2012
Illumination Recovery From Image With Cast Shadows Via Sparse Representation
2011 / 2012
Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson–Gaussian Noise
2011 / 2012
IMAGE Resolution Enhancement by Using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet Decomposition
2011 / 2012
Image Segmentation Using Fuzzy Region Competition and Spatial/Frequency Information
2011 / 2012
In Search of Perceptually Salient Groupings
2011 / 2012
Incremental Training of a Detector Using Online Sparse Eigen decomposition
2011 / 2012
Information Content Weighting for Perceptual Image Quality Assessment
2011 / 2012
Interactive Streaming of Stored Multi view Video Using Redundant Frame Structures
2011 / 2012
Inverse Half toning Based on the Bayesian Theorem
2011 / 2012
Iterative Shrinkage Approach to Restoration of Optical Imagery
2011 / 2012
JPEG2000-Based Scalable Interactive Video (JSIV)
2011 / 2012
Kernel Maximum Autocorrelation Factor and Minimum Noise Fraction Transformations
2011 / 2012
Large Disparity Motion Layer Extraction via Topological Clustering
2011 / 2012
Light Field Analysis for Modeling Image Formation
2011 / 2012
Lightweight Detection of Additive Watermarking in the DWT-Domain
2011 / 2012
Measuring the Quality of Quality Measures
2011 / 2012
Missing Intensity Interpolation Using a Kernel PCA-Based POCS Algorithm and its Applications
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Multidimensional Filter Bank Signal Reconstruction From Multichannel Acquisition
2011 / 2012
Multiple Player Tracking in Sports Video: A Dual-Mode Two-Way Bayesian Inference Approach
With Progressive Observation Modeling
2011 / 2012
Multiregion Image Segmentation by Parametric Kernel Graph Cuts
2011 / 2012
Natural Image Segmentation Based on Tree Equipartition, Bayesian Flooding and Region Merging
2011 / 2012
Non rigid Registration of 2-D and 3-D Dynamic Cell Nuclei Images for Improved Classification of Sub-cellular Particle Motion
2011 / 2012
Nonlocal Mumford-Shah Regularizers for Color Image Restoration
2011 / 2012
Nonlocal PDEs-Based Morphology on Weighted Graphs for Image and Data Processing
2011 / 2012
Non-uniform Directional Filter Banks With Arbitrary Frequency Partitioning
2011 / 2012
No-Reference Blur Assessment of Digital Pictures Based on Multi-feature Classifiers
2011 / 2012
On a Derivative-Free Fan-Beam Reconstruction Formula
2011 / 2012
On the Selection of Optimal Feature Region Set for Robust Digital Image Watermarking
2011 / 2012
Online Sparse Gaussian Process Regression and Its Applications
2011 / 2012
Optimal Design of FIR Triplet Halfband Filter Bank and Application in Image Coding
2011 / 2012
Optimal Image Alignment With Random Projections of Manifolds: Algorithm and Geometric Analysis
2011 / 2012
Optimal Inversion of the Anscombe Transformation in Low-Count Poisson Image Denoising
2011 / 2012
Optimizing a Tone Curve for Backward-Compatible High Dynamic Range Image and Video Compression
2011 / 2012
Paramer Mismatch-Based Spectral Gamut Mapping
2011 / 2012
Passive Polarimetric Imagery-Based Material Classification Robust to Illumination Source Position and Viewpoint
2011 / 2012
Perceptual Segmentation: Combining Image Segmentation With Object Tagging
2011 / 2012
Performance Analysis of n-Channel Symmetric FEC-Based Multiple Description Coding for OFDM Networks
2011 / 2012
Practical Bounds on Image Denoising: From Estimation to Information
2011 / 2012
Proto-Object Based Rate Control for JPEG2000: An Approach to Content-Based Scalability
2011 / 2012
PSF Estimation via Gradient Domain Correlation.
2011 / 2012
Quality Assessment of Deblocked Images
2011 / 2012
Random N-Finder (N-FINDR) Endmember Extraction Algorithms for Hyperspectral Imagery
2011 / 2012
Random Phase Textures: Theory and Synthesis
2011 / 2012
Rate Control Scheme for Consistent Video Quality in Scalable Video Code
2011 / 2012
Real time artifact-free image up scaling.
2011 / 2012
Real-Time Discriminative Background Subtraction
2011 / 2012
Reference Sharing Mechanism for Watermark Self-Embedding
2011 / 2012
Regularized Background Adaptation: A Novel Learning Rate Control Scheme for Gaussian Mixture Modeling
2011 / 2012
Resolution Scalable Image Coding With Reversible Cellular Automata
2011 / 2012
Robust Principal Component Analysis Based on Maximum Correntropy Criterion
2011 / 2012
Salient Motion Features for Video Quality Assessment
2011 / 2012
Size-Controllable Region-of-Interest in Scalable Image Representation
2011 / 2012
Spatial Sparsity-Induced Prediction (SIP) for Images and Video: A Simple Way to Reject Structured Interference
2011 / 2012
Spatiotemporal Localization and Categorization of Human Actions in Unsegmented Image Sequences
2011 / 2012
Stationary Probability Model for Bitplane Image Coding Through Local Average of Wavelet Coefficients
2011 / 2012
Structured Max-Margin Learning for Inter-Related Classifier Training and Multilabel Image Annotation
2011 / 2012
Studentized Dynamical System for Robust Object Tracking
2011 / 2012
Sub-Hexagonal Phase Correlation for Motion Estimation
2011 / 2012
Subpixel Registration With Gradient Correlation
2011 / 2012
Text From Corners: A Novel Approach to Detect Text and Caption in Videos
2011 / 2012
The Roadmaker’s Algorithm for the Discrete Pulse Transform
2011 / 2012
The Sparse Matrix Transform for Covariance Estimation and Analysis of High Dimensional Signals
2011 / 2012
Tomographic Reconstruction of Gated Data Acquisition Using DFT Basis Functions
2011 / 2012
Topological Well-Composedness and Glamorous Glue: A Digital Gluing Algorithm for
Topologically Constrained Front Propagation
2011 / 2012
Total Variation Projection With First Order Schemes
2011 / 2012
Transferring Boosted Detectors Towards Viewpoint and Scene Adaptiveness
2011 / 2012
Two Efficient Label-Equivalence-Based Connected-Component Labeling Algorithms for 3-D Binary Images
2011 / 2012
Unequal Protection of Video Data According to Slice Relevance
2011 / 2012
Uniform Motion Blur in Poissonian Noise: Blur/Noise Tradeoff
2011 / 2012
Variable Length Open Contour Tracking Using a Deformable Trellis
2011 / 2012
Variational Bayesian Super Resolution
2011 / 2012
ViBe: A Universal Background Subtraction Algorithm for Video Sequences
2011 / 2012
Video Tracking Based on Sequential Particle Filtering on Graphs
2011 / 2012
Window-Level Rate Control for Smooth Picture Quality and Smooth Buffer Occupancy
2011 / 2012
A Assertion Based Parallel Debugging
2011 / 2012
A Data Throughput Prediction and Optimization Service for Widely Distributed Many-task Computing.
2011 / 2012
A Hybrid Shared-nothing/Shared-data Storage Architecture for Large Scale Databases
2011 / 2012
A performance goal oriented processor allocation technique for centralized heterogeneous multi-cluster environments
2011 / 2012
A Petri Net Approach to Analyzing Behavioral Compatibility and Similarity of Web Services
2011 / 2012
A Privacy Preserving Repository for Securing Data across the Cloud
2011 / 2012
A Privacy-Preserving Remote Data Integrity Checking Protocol with Data Dynamics and Public Verifiability.
2011 / 2012
A Scalable Method for Signalling Dynamic Reconfiguration Events with OpenSM
2011 / 2012
A Segment-Level Adaptive Data Layout Scheme for Improved Load Balance in Parallel File Systems
2011 / 2012
A Sketch-based Architecture for Mining Frequent Items and Itemsets from Distributed Data Streams
2011 / 2012
A Trustworthiness Fusion Model for Service Cloud Platform Based on D-S Evidence Theory
2011 / 2012
A Venture Perspective on Cloud Computing.
2011 / 2012
Addressing Resource Fragmentation in Grids Through Network–Aware Meta–Scheduling in Advance
2011 / 2012
APP: Minimizing Interference Using Aggressive Pipelined Prefetching In Multi-Level Buffer Caches
2011 / 2012
ASDF: An Autonomous and Scalable Distributed File System
2011 / 2012
Automatic and Unsupervised Snore Sound Extraction From Respiratory Sound Signals
2011 / 2012
Autonomic SLA-driven Provisioning for Cloud Applications
2011 / 2012
BAR: An Efficient Data Locality Driven Task Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing
2011 / 2012
Building an online domain-specific computing service over non-dedicated grid and cloud resources: the Superlink-online experience
2011 / 2012
Cheetah: A Framework for Scalable Hierarchical Collective Operations
2011 / 2012
Classification and Composition of QoS Attributes in Distributed, Heterogeneous Systems
2011 / 2012
Cloud MapReduce: a MapReduce Implementation on top of a Cloud Operating System
2011 / 2012
Cloud Technologies for Bioinformatics Applications
2011 / 2012
CloudSpider: Combining Replication with Scheduling for Optimizing Live Migration of Virtual Machines Across Wide Area Networks
2011 / 2012
Data Integrity Proofs in Cloud Storage
2011 / 2012
Dealing with Grid-Computing Authorization using Identity-Based Certificateless Proxy Signature
2011 / 2012
Debunking Real-Time Pricing in Cloud Computing
2011 / 2012
DELMA: Dynamically ELastic MApReduce Framework for CPU-Intensive Applications
2011 / 2012
Detection and Protection against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Accountable Grid Computing Systems
2011 / 2012
Development Inferring Network Topologies in Infrastructure as a Service Cloud
2011 / 2012
DHTbd: A Reliable Block-based Storage System for High Performance Clusters
2011 / 2012
Diagnosing Anomalous Network Performance with Confidence
2011 / 2012
Directed Differential Connectivity Graph of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges
2011 / 2012
Driver Drowsiness Managing distributed files with RNS in heterogeneous Data Grids
2011 / 2012
Dynamic Brain Phantom for Intracranial Volume Measurements
2011 / 2012
EduCloud: Paas versus Iaas Cloud Usage for an Advanced Computer Science course.
2011 / 2012
Enabling Multi-Physics Coupled Simulations within the PGAS Programming Framework
2011 / 2012
Enabling Public Auditability and Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing.
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Exploiting Dynamic Resource Allocation for Efficient Parallel Data Processing in the Cloud
2011 / 2012
Failure Avoidance through Fault Prediction Based on Synthetic Transactions
2011 / 2012
Finite-Element-Based Discretization and Regularization Strategies for 3-D Inverse Electrocardiography
2011 / 2012
GeoServ: A Distributed Urban Sensing Platform
2011 / 2012
Going Back and Forth Efficient Multideployment and Multisnapshotting on Clouds
2011 / 2012
GPGPU-Accelerated Parallel and Fast Simulation of Thousand-core Platforms
2011 / 2012
Grid Global Behavior Prediction
2011 / 2012
High Performance Pipelined Process Migration with RDMA
2011 / 2012
Improving Utilization of Infrastructure Clouds
2011 / 2012
Independently Verifiable Decentralized Role-Based Delegation.
2011 / 2012
Modified Kinematic Technique for Measuring Pathological Hyperextension and Hypermobility of the
Interphalangeal Joints
2011 / 2012
Multi-Cloud Deployment of Computing Clusters for Loosely-Coupled MTC Applications
2011 / 2012
Multiple Services Throughput Optimization in a Hierarchical Middleware
2011 / 2012
Network-Friendly One-Sided Communication Through Multinode Cooperation on Petascale Cray XT5
2011 / 2012
Neural Control of Posture During Small Magnitude Perturbations: Effects of Aging and Localized
Muscle Fatigue
2011 / 2012
Non-Cooperative Scheduling Considered Harmful in Collaborative Volunteer Computing
2011 / 2012
On the Performance Variability of Production Cloud Services
2011 / 2012
On the Relation Between Congestion Control, Switch Arbitration and Fairness
2011 / 2012
On the Scheduling of Checkpoints in Desktop Grids
2011 / 2012
Optimal service pricing for a cloud cache
2011 / 2012
Optimization of Resource Provisioning Cost in Cloud Computing.
2011 / 2012
Parameter Exploration in Science and Engineering Using Many-Task Computing
2011 / 2012
Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for Many-Tasks Scientific Computing
2011 / 2012
Predictive Data Grouping and Placement for Cloud-based Elastic Server Infrastructures
2011 / 2012
Resource and Revenue Sharing with Coalition Formation of Cloud Providers: Game Theoretic Approach
2011 / 2012
Robust Execution of Service Workflows Using Redundancy and Advance Reservations
2011 / 2012
Role-Based Access-Control Using Reference Ontology in Clouds
2011 / 2012
Secure and Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Cloud Computing
2011 / 2012
SLA-based Resource Allocation for Software as a Service Provider (SaaS) in Cloud Computing
2011 / 2012
Small Discrete Fourier Transforms on GPUs
2011 / 2012
Supply Chain as a Service:A Cloud Perspective on Supply Chain Systems.
2011 / 2012
Techniques for fine-grained, multi-site computation offloading
2011 / 2012
The Benefits of Estimated Global Information in DHT Load Balancing
2011 / 2012
Towards Real-Time, Volunteer Distributed Computing
2011 / 2012
Towards Reliable, PerformantWorkflows for Streaming-Applications on Cloud Platforms
2011 / 2012
Towards Secure and Dependable Storage Services in Cloud Computing
2011 / 2012
Utilizing “Opaque” Resources for Revenue Enhancement on Clouds and Grids
2011 / 2012
A Passive Solution to the CPU Resource Discovery Problem in Cluster Grid Networks.
2011 / 2012
ABACS:An Attribute-Based Access Control System for Emergency Services over Vehicular Ad Hoe Networks.
2011 / 2012
Collective Receiver-initiated Multicast for Grid Applications.
2011 / 2012
Data Replication in Data Intensive Scientific Applications with Performance Guarantee.
2011 / 2012
Demand Response Scheduling by Stochastic SCUC.
2011 / 2012
Efficient Bidding in Dynamic Grid Markets
2011 / 2012
Efficiently  Acquiring Communication Traces for Large-scale Parallel Applications.
2011 / 2012
Expanding Service Capacities and Increasing Service Reliabilities for the Grid-Based Utility Computing.
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
online System for Grid Resource Monitoring and Machine learning based Prediction.
2011 / 2012
Reputation-Based Trust for a Coorperative Agent-Based Backup Protection Scheme.
2011 / 2012
Scheduling Grid Tasks in Face of Uncertain Communication Demands.
2011 / 2012
A Controlled Experiment for Program Comprehension through Trace Visualization
2011 / 2012
A General Software Defect-Proneness Prediction Framework
2011 / 2012
A Web Development Platform Comparison by an Exploratory Experiment Searching for Emergent
Platform Properties
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
An Attack Surface Metric
2011 / 2012
Assessing, Comparing, and Combining State Machine-Based Testing and Structural Testing: A Series of Experiments
2011 / 2012
Automatically detecting and tracking inconsistence in software design Model
2011 / 2012
Comparing the Defect Reduction Benefits of Code Inspection and Test-Driven Development.
2011 / 2012
Deriving a Slicing Algorithm via FermaT Transformations
2011 / 2012
Developing a Single Model and Test Prioritization Strategies for Event-Driven Software
2011 / 2012
Dynamic Qos Management and Optimization in Service-Based Systems
2011 / 2012
Efficient Consistency Measurement Based on Behavioral Profiles of process Model
2011 / 2012
2011 / 2012
Exploiting the Essential Assumptions of Analogy-based Effort Estimation.
2011 / 2012
Facilitating Trust in Privacy-Preserving E-leaning Environments.
2011 / 2012
From UML to Petri Nets: The PCM-Based Methodology
2011 / 2012
Genetic Algorithms for Randomized Unit Testing
2011 / 2012
Improving Source Code Lexicon via Traceability an

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