Saturday, November 19, 2011


Posted by Unknown at 12:48 PM 0 Comments

Computer Science and IT Mini Project Topics

1.      NAT
  1. Hotel Management System VB Net
  2. Human Resources Management System VB Net
  3. Inventory System VB Net
  4. Membership Management System VB Net
  5. Patient Care System VB Net
  6. Send SMS To Cell Phone Through SMTP Mail VB Net
  7. Trainee Management System VB Net
  8. Cryptographically Using Secure Server/Client Protocol VC++
  9. Intrusion Detection Prevention And Trace back Systems VC++
  10. Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten and Digits VC++
  11. The File Digest program and the C++ implementation of some Message-Digest algorithms VC++
  12. File Encryption and Encrypted text embedding in an image VC++
  13. Performance Evaluation of DISTANCE Routing Algorithm in MANET VC++
  14. Online Index Recommendations for High-Dimensional Databases Using Query Workloads /Jee
  15. Efficient and Secure Content Processing (Java)
  16. Controlling IP Spoofing through Inter domain Packet Filters (Java)
  17. Rough sets based Search Engine for grid service discovery (Net)
  18. Trustworthy Computing under Resource Constraints with the DOWN policy (Net)
  19. Credit Card Fraud Detection using Hidden Markov Model (Net)
  20. Hba: Distributed Metadata Management for Large cluster-based storage system (Net)
  21. Minimizing file download time in Stochastic Peer-to-Peer networks (Net)
  22. Statistical Techniques for detecting Traffic anomalies through Packet Header Data (Net)
  23. The Effect of Pairs in Program Design Tasks (Net)
  24. Rate Allocation and Network Life Time Problems (Net)
  25. Distributed cache updating for the Dynamic source routing protocol /Java
  26. An Adaptive Programming Model for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing /Java
  27. Face Recognition Using Laplacian faces /Java
  28. Predictive Job Scheduling in a Connection Limited System using Parallel Genetic Algorithm /Java
  29. Digital Image Processing Techniques for the Detection and Removal of Cracks in Digitized Paintings /Net
  30. A Distributed Database Architecture for Global Roaming in Next-Generation Mobile Networks /Java
  31. Noise Reduction by Fuzzy Image Filtering /Java
  32. Online Handwritten Script Recognition /Java
  33. ODAM: An Optimized Distributed Association Rule Mining Algorithm /Java
  34. Structure and Texture Filling-In of Missing Image Blocks in Wireless Transmission and Compression Applications /Java
  35. Workflow Mining: Discovering Process Models from Event Logs /Net
  36. An Agent Based Intrusion Detection, Response and Blocking using signature method in Active Networks /Java
  37. Mobile Agents In Distributed Multimedia Database Systems /Java
  38. Wireless Traffic Viewer Using JME JME
  39. JME Mail Client Server JME
  40. Monitoring And Managing The Clusters Using JMX JME
  41. Peer-To-Peer Messaging JME
  42. Mobile Information Provider JME
  43. Mobile Bank WAP
  44. Video Steganography Using Mobile Simulation JME
  45. Network Traffic Anomaly Detector JME
  46. ERP for Leather Company JEE
  47. Online Web shop JEE
  48. Online Fashion Studios JEE
  49. ERP for Small Business JEE
  50. Bulk Billing System JEE
  51. SN Java Project Titles Language
  52. Optimal Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Java
  53. Homogenous Network Control and Implementation Java
  54. Performance Evaluation of RMI Java
  55. A Novel Secure Communication Protocol for Ad Hoc networks [SCP] /Java
  56. ITP: An Image Transport Protocol for the Internet /Java
  57. Hybrid Intrusion Detection with Weighted Signature Generation over Anomalous Internet Episodes(HIDS) /JEE
  58. Incremental deployment service of Hop by hop multicast routing protocol /Java
  59. Network border patrol: preventing congestion collapse and promoting fairness in the Internet /Java
  60. Location-Aided Routing (LAR) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks /Java
  61. Neural Networks for Handwritten character and Digits /VC++
  62. Selective Encryption of Still Image /VB,C
  63. An Acknowledgment-Based Approach For The Detection Of Routing Misbehavior In MANETs /Java
  64. Neural Network-Based Face Detection /VC++
  65. Homogenous Network Control and Implementation /Java
  66. XML Data Stores: Emerging Practices /Java
  67. XTC: A Practical Topology Control Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Networks /Java
  68. A near-optimal multicast scheme for mobile ad hoc networks using a hybrid genetic algorithm /Java
  69. XML Enable SQL Server Java
  70. Network Analyzer Java
  71. Public Key Validation for DNS security Extension Java
  72. Java Productivity Aids Java
  73. Image Water Marking
  74. Call Center Management System ASP Net
  75. Online Shopping ASP Net
  76. Textile Web Services ASP Net
  77. Auction System ASP Net
  78. Online Quiz ASP Net
  79. Online Bank ASP Net
  80. Online Voting System ASP Net
  81. Securing Image URL ASP Net
  82. Web Services ASP Net
  83. Smart Knowledge Provider ASP Net
  84. Online Book Shop ASP Net
  85. Electronic Fund Transfer ASP Net
  86. Work Flow Management System ASP Net
  87. Online Customer Care ASP Net
  88. CVS Root File Changing Utility C# Net
  89. C# MP Compressor C# Net
  90. Convolution Filters Using Image Processing C# Net
  91. Database Schema Comparison Utility C# C# Net
  92. Displacement filters, including swirl using GDI+ C# Net
  93. Edge Detection Filters C# Net
  94. Flood Fill Algorithms in C# and GDI+ C# Net
  95. Genetic Algorithms and the Traveling Salesman Problem using C# and ATL COM C# Net
  96. Hiding binary data in HTML documents C# Net
  97. Hiding Messages in MIDI Songs C# Net
  98. Hiding messages in the Noise of a Picture C# Net
  99. Image Processing C# Net
  100. Windows Management Instrumentation WMI Implementation C# Net
  101. Image Processing for Bilinear Filters and Resizing C# Net
  102. Image processing for HSL color space C# Net
  103. Image Processing for Per Pixel Filters using GDI+ C# Net
  104. Multithreaded Chat Server C# Net
  105. Reading and Writing AVI files using steganography C# Net
  106. Steganography for Hiding Data in Wave Audio Files C# Net
  107. TCPIP Chat client server Using C# C# Net
  108. Neural Networks for Unicode Optical Character Recognition C# Net
  109. Using Trigonometry and Pythagoras to Watermark an Image C# Net
  110. Library Management System C# Net
  111. Steganography for FTP through a Proxy Server C# Net
  112. Artificial intelligence network load balancing using Ant Colony Optimization C# Net
  113. Neural Networks for Handwriting Detection System Using Brain Net VB Net
  114. Library Management system VB Net
  115. Windows Management Instrument (WMI) Net VB Net
  116. Wallpaper Changer Utility VB Net
  117. Win Application for Word Processing VB Net
  118. Network Component for XML Migration Java
  119. A Secure Routing Protocol for mobile Ad-hoc Network Java
  120. Retrieving Files Using Content Based Searching and presenting it in Carousel view Java
  121. An Acknowledgment-Based Approach for the Detection of Routing Misbehavior in MANETs Java
  122. Java Network File Sharing System Java
  123. Image Transformation using Grid Java
  124. Java Visual Editor with Compiler Java
  125. Embedding In Video Steganography Java
  126. Genetic Algorithm Based Train Simulation Using Concurrent Engineering Java
  127. Image Rendering For Grid Technology Java
  128. Scalable Wireless AD-HOC Network Simulation Using XTC Java
  129. ATM Networks For Online Monitoring System Java
  130. Network Border Patrol Preventing Congestion Collapse Java
  131. Shortest Node Finder In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks Java
  132. TCP/IP Pocket Controlling Monitor Java
  133. Network Security System In DNS Using Ad-Hoc Networks Java
  134. E-Mail Server Using Multithreaded Sockets Java
  135. Integrating Speech Engine With Web Navigator Java
  136. Screen capture Utility VB Net
  137. HTML Editor VB Net
  138. Image Converter VB Net
  139. Internet History Viewer VB Net
  140. VB Net Smart Mail Transfer Protocol VB Net
  141. Windows Multi File Search utility VB Net
  142. Message Digest VB Net
  143. FTP Explorer VB Net
  144. Convolution Filter VB Net
  145. Find and Replace utility VB Net
  146. Apartment Management System VB Net
  147. Computerized Information Software VB Net
  148. Employee Management System VB Net
  149. Ice cream parlour management system
  150. Pizza hut - account management system
  151. Web Based help desk
  152. Honey Pots- A Security System to Identify Black Hat Community in Networks
  153. Water Marking Relational Databases Using Optimization technique
  154. Quantum Key Distribution for 3rd party authentication
  155. OMR Sheet Reader
  156. Multi player strategy game: Project ideas on Visual basic,Java,Database
  157. You can develop a speech reponse application using some hardware interface using the Microsoft SAPI SDK
  158. You can develop a Microsoft Word like application in VB ( a text editor basically)
  159. Timetable generation (user will input subjects, faculty times, class room times) : User will also input subject seriality and topics to be taken for the week
  160. CD library management
  161. Admission procedure
  162. Online passport registeration
  163. You can develop a LAN administrator tool (socket programming comes easy in VB) which will monitor application on a LAN and provide functions
  164. Voice Mail Systems
  165. Computer Telephony Integration
  166. Interfacing alphanumeric LCD x using VB
  167. Registry Editor
  168. NAT
  169. honeypots
  170. Creation of a DMZ
  171. Creation of a sniffer and a port scanner
  172. GSM
  173. Library Management System
  174. Hotel Management System
  175. Examination result according to the classes
  176. Granite Business management system
  177. Virtual classroom
  178. Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path
  179. Implementation of BPCS-Steganography
  180. Job portal
  181. Pragmatic general multicast
  182. Log browser
  183. Online matrimonial system
  184. Online health care system
  185. Factory management system
  186. T-Blogger
  187. Online bug tracking and customer support system
  188. Online call logging and customer support system
  189. E-Banking transaction system and portal for bank officials and customer
  190. Online book shop management system
  191. Advance vehicle and highway management system
  192. Acturial projection system
  193. Developing port scanning and detection system
  194. Development of simple IP subnet calculator tool
  195. College management system
  196. Library management system
  197. Tax management system
  198. Payroll information system
  199. Medical management system
  200. Vehicles with Intelligent Systems for Transport Automation
  201. Advanced public bus transportation system for India
  202. Automatic Medicine Announcement System
  203. Intelligent Multi-sensor System for Control of Boilers and Furnaces
  204. Dedicated Short range road side communication for vehicles
  205. Accident prevention system for hairpin bend zone
  206. Sequential switching for industrial application
  207. RFID based car parking system
  208. Intelligent Greenhouse
  209. RFID reader enabled mobile with environment alert and mobile tracking
  210. Active Learning Methods for Image Retrieval
  211. Remote Switching Control System for Home Appliances
  212. Real native and persistent layer for Java & .Net
  213. Global Insurance Management System
  214. A Smart System for Remote Monitoring of Patients and SMS Messaging upon Critical Condition
  215. Role Based Access Control
  216. Rich Internet Application Using Flux Frame for Managing Workflow in healthcare domain
  217. Effective Monitoring of Web navigation using Code Check
  218. Customer Support Protocol
  219. Online Employee Time Management System
  220. Insurance Management System
  221. Development of Customer relationship Management System to increase Sales
  222. Intelligent Call Routing & Management using IVR in Asterisk Server
  223. Human Age Estimation
  224. An Intelligent Dictionary Based encoding Algorithm for data compressing for High Speed Transformation Over Internet
  225. Motion Detecting System
  226. Project Management System
  227. Process Monitoring System
  228. NITC Student information system
  229. Implementation of the gaming software
  230. Online Library Management system
  231. Project Server
  232. My SQL Administrative tool kit
  233. Error handling for syntax analysis
  234. Online Student Registration
  235. Final Project by M.Techs ( currently reports are not available)
  236. Operating system enhancements to prevent the misuse of system calls.
  237. Type systems and applications to safety.
  238. Spatial and temporal database (queries for retrieving data)
  239. Adaptive distributed event model.
  240. Improving TCP performance in adhoc networks.
  241. Model checking for protocol verification.
  242. Type systems and it's application to safe and efficient code.
  243. Exact functional context matching for web services.
  244. A new methodology for representation of TCP performance in TCPSF.
  245. Adaptive event based middleware architecture.
  246. Intelligent agents.
  247. Optimizing pattern matching algorithm in intrusion detection.
  248. Information retrieval from textual corpus.
  249. Direction queries in spatio-temporal databases.
  250. Secure routing.
  251. Audio processing of movies.
  252. Final Projects By MCA ( currently reports are not available)
  253. Secure Conferencing System
  254. Web based Linux Administration
  255. Wireless Search Engine
  256. Hostel Election Software
  257. Performance Enhancement of HTTP using improved TCP Functionalities
  258. Adding Functionalities to Libpcap
  259. Performance Evaluation of an Efficient Multicast Routing Protocol
  260. Development of an OS Framework for a MIPS Simulator
  261. Secure Mail Server
  262. Development of an OS Framework for a MIPS Simulator
  263. Academic per-to-peer Network
  264. Secure Mail Server
  265. Distributed System simulator for Publish-Subscribe Model
  266. Data Integration
  267. Web based Linux Administration
  268. Interface for Mobile Phone and PDA using J2ME
  269. Distributed System simulator for Publish-Subscribe Model
  270. Contact Reminder
  271. Direct Information System
  272. Course Home Page Generator
  273. Campus Online Help Desk
  274. Online Class Register
  275. Mail Server Utility
  276. Hostel Election Software
  277. Collaborative Web Browsing
  278. Web based Application for Multiple Clients
  279. Testing Tool
  280. A Multihoming Solution for effective load balancing
  281. Implementing a Linux Cluster
  282. Improving the efficiency of Memory Management in Linux by Efficient Page
  283. Replacement Policies.
  284. Experimenting with Code Optimizations on SUIF (Stanford University Intermediate Format)
  285. Intranet Caching Protocol
  286. A DBMS with SQL Interpreter
  287. Developing an Organically Growing Peer to Peer Network
  288. Analysis of Routing Models in Event Base Middlewares
  289. Analysis of Event Models in Event based Middle ware
  290. Integration of Heterogeneous Databases Into XML Format with Translator
  291. Information Management and Representation Using Topic Maps
  292. Face Recognition Using Artificial Neural Networks
  293. Video Conferencing with Multicast Support
  294. Collaborative Span Filtering Using Centralized Incrementally Learning Spam Rules
  295. Database
  296. Hierarchical Data Back Up
  297. Automated Generation of Cycle Level Simulators for Embedded Processors.
  298. Mini Projects By M.Techs
  299. Fingerprint Image Enhancement
  300. Dept Library Management System
  301. Linux Kernel Enhancement
  302. Cloth Animation & Dynamics.
  303. Linux Kernel (Memory Management)
  304. Image Steganography
  305. Web Enabled Opinion Poll System For NITC
  306. Application Of Bayesian Networks To Data Mining
  307. Triple crypt Using Vector Displacement Algorithm
  308. Network Analysis
  309. Feed Forward Neural Networks
  310. IP Sniffer
  311. Project Management System
  312. Cryptographic Engine
  313. Fault-Tolerant TCP
  314. Enhancing The Algorithms
  315. Design of Intranet Mail System
  316. Mirroring
  317. Development of a Distributed Systems Simulator for Event Based Middleware
  318. A Smart phone Application to remotely a PC over the internet
  319. Network Protocol Verification Using Linear Temporal Logic
  320. Virtual Routing Network Emulation Frame Work
  321. 2 mail
  322. Mini Projects by B.Techs ( Currently reports are not available )
  323. Time Table Information System
  324. Online Library System
  325. Implementing an interface for transliteration
  326. Simulation of the IA64 Instruction Set Architecture
  327. Simple FTP Client
  328. Text Editor for Linux Platform
  329. Exam Server
  330. Online Bulletin Board
  331. Project Server
  332. Developing GUI for IP Tables Configuration
  333. Academic planner
  334. Online Election Software for Hostel Election
  335. Performance Evaluation of Routing Algorithm using NS2
  336. Alumni Software
  337. Bandwidth management Tool
  338. Implementation of Scalar Optimizations
  339. Online Banking
  340. Distributed Workgroup File Indexer
  341. Managing Linux Distributions
  342. Network Sniffer
  343. Simulating Routing Algorithms in Java
  344. A Tool For Network Auditing(ping and Port Scanning, TCP/IP Finger printing
  345. An alternative semantics for error and exceptional handling
  346. Online Counseling software
  347. Web application
  348. Instant messenger system
  349. course home page generator
  350. Web application
  351. An Interpretor for lambda calculus with some extensions
  352. course home page generator
  353. Probabilistic Techniques for cache replacement
  354. Implementation of Download wizard for simultaneous downloads
  355. Online Share Trading
  356. Online Counseling
  357. Transfer Program in Java Using Protocols like FTP,SMB,HTTP,SSH
  358. Using Genetic Algorithms for testcase generation for finite state machines
  359. A study of the Linux Operating system, Development of useful System programs
  360. subsequently implementing a GUI Providing a certain useful functionality
  361. Online Shopping
  362. Text to Speech conversion
  363. Hostel elections voting software
  364. Code optimization: Implementation of scalar optimizations
  365. A Web based academic monitoring system
  366. To output the timing schedule
  367. Code optimization: Implementation of scalar optimizations
  368. Online Objective test
  369. Performance Evaluation of Routing Algorithm using NS2
  370. IA64 ISA Simulation
  371. Text to Speech conversion
  372. Customizing Proxy Web server
  373. Auction simulator using agents
  374. Implementation of cryptographic protocols in oblivious signature based envelope

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